
About Obamacare

We had a live call on August 8th 2013 about Obamacare and it was recorded!  (See information below).

Good News!
Dr. Taffy Wagner has volunteer to do additional training calls regarding Obamacare for our team!   
Her live training calls will start very soon!

To Access The OBAMACARE recorded call visit:
Next enter your name, last name, email address and conference code: 804576

TOPICS that were discussed on this call:

What is Obamacare? 
Pros and cons and much more.

Dr. Taffy Wagner also shared a great calculator regarding:
 Go here to visit this great tool:   http://laborcenter.berkeley.edu/healthpolicy/calculator

Nothing happens until January 1, 2014.
Adult dental and adult vision have been left completely out of Obamacare.

Obamacare will not affect 70-80% of your business AmeriPlan was built on one single dental plan.
In Obamacare there are four plan types and the benefits are exactly the same in each plan type
The four plan types are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum (sound familiar?)

The difference in each plan is the premium charge for that plan, and the co-pays depending on which plan your income bracket falls into:

BRONZE PLAN: Obamacare 60% -- YOU PAY 40%
SILVER PLAN: Obamacare 70% -- YOU PAY 30%GOLD PLAN: Obamacare 80% -- YOU PAY 20%
PLATINUM PLAN: Obamacare 90% -- YOU PAY 10%

They have built into these plans premium credits for the middle class and the poor and these are all based on the FEDERAL POVERTY GUIDELINES.

So for instance for a family of four (4) if your total household income is less than 133 % of the FPG, or $30,000/year then you would go on Medicaid and not have to pay a penny out of pocket for any ofyour healthcare needs. Everything would be covered for you 100 %.

The percentages go up from there so in other words from 133 % to 150 %, 150% to 200% and so on up to 400%.

So as your income is greater your subsidy will be less. So 400% of the FPG for a family of four (4) is
approximately $88,000/year.

So if your household income is greater than $88,000/year then you get no subsidy at all and you pay 100% of the premium out of your pocket.
There is no set pricing for this yet and we are going off of the percentages but speculating on that particular scenario, if you have no subsidy and you are paying everything out of your pocket, it is
going to run you approximately $12,000 to $15,000/ year in premiums for the Bonze Plan
and the Supreme Court says you have to do it.

Now to do a bit of speculative math on the percentages for the premiums going off of yearly income--- YOUR INCOME YOUR PREMIUM

$35,000/YEAR $150/MONTH
$45,000/YEAR $250/MONTH
$60,000/YEAR $400/MONTH
$70,000/YEAR $600/MONTH
$80,000/YEAR $700/MONTH

133% TO 150% = 4% OF YOUR GROSS INCOME
150% TO 200% = 7% OF YOUR GROSS
INCOME 200% TO 250% = 8% OF YOUR GROSS

As an individual your max cap out of pocket is going to be $6,000. The out of pocket cap on a family of 4 is going to be $12,000 so there are going to be some caps to your out of pocket expenses with Obamacare.

AmeriPlan can help with this in that when you go to the Dr. and say you have the Silver plan, where you would pay 30% out of pocket costs, AmeriPlan's savings to you are greater than 30% so you could literally walk out of the Dr.'s office that day paying absolutely no out of pocket costs for your services that day.

Now let's say you have a major medical issue and you have to go into the hospital, and you hit your out of pocket cap of $12,000 and now you are looking at having to come up with all that money on your own with no subsidy to help you.

 AmeriPlan has a wonderful hospital advocacy program that will go into the hospital billing department on your behalf and negotiate that bill down for you and historically the negotiations have been an 80% savings to our customers. Then what isleft over they will also on your behalf negotiate a payment plan that  both you and the hospital can be happy with. Isn't that worth $49.95 per month to have this type of service and  savings at your disposal?

Is what you pay for non-compliance to Obamacare a penalty or a tax? It IS a tax because the Supreme Court says it's a tax.

In order to have access to the Obamacare subsidy, you must be an American citizen. So all of the undocumented workers that are in this country present a wonderful market to work your business.
All of those undocumented people in this country will not be able to receive the subsidy and the government is estimating that there areapproximately 50 million people in this country who are uninsured and as well they are estimating that there will be between 17 and 18 million people who will not get the subsidy and will just fall through  the cracks.

Obamacare is a mandate that all American citizens will be required to comply with and if you do not comply you will be taxed.

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